Our Future Home - Steeldust Meadows |
These are pictures from September of 2007. We start working on fencing the barnyard and finish off
the roof peek. We plant our first trees and start building our second building. It will eventually become our hay shelter.
Putting up our "Hay for Sale" posters all over town pays off as a local rancher buys 200 bales.
Click on the photos to get bigger ones at better resolution.
September 2nd, 2007 - Finishing up the roof and the south barnyard fence.
September 3rd, 2007 - We plant our first trees and rototill an area for pasture trees.
September 14th, 2007 - We start on our second building. It will eventually become
a hay shelter. Inside I get the service panel up.
September 15th, 2007 - We sell 200 bales of hay.
August, 2007
July, 2007
June, 2007
May, 2007
April, 2007
March, 2007
February, 2007
January, 2007
December, 2006
November, 2006
October, 2006
September, 2006